Unfortunately, not every couple can have a baby the first or even the 100th time that they try to create a life. If you have been trying to conceive and, so far, remain with empty arms, there is help available. The type of help you may receive may vary depending on what is causing your problems. However, the people who can help you best will never change. We are known and loved for our outstanding fertility care Singapore because we are the ones who can bring success your way.

Treatment Options for Infertility

If you have been trying to conceive for more than a couple of years, you may be unsuccessful due to circumstances that are beyond your control. It could be caused by immature eggs or a low sperm count. It may also be that there is something else going on.

For instance, you could have fibroids that are making it hard for you to conceive. You could have cysts, fallopian tube issues, a slight case of endometriosis, and numerous other things going on. Some of these issues may require a simple surgical procedure called laparoscopy. Recovery time is very short, and most people have no pain within a couple of days, but it can solve a large variety of issues.

In most situations, the answer is something that is relatively simple. Once the problem is tracked down and resolved, the pregnancy can occur naturally.

If it doesn’t work for you still, after treatment, then we can also deal with that. IVF is an easy way to help couples become pregnant once other solutions have failed.

Are You Ready to Deal with Your Infertility?

When you are ready, you can call us to schedule an appointment. During our initial visit, we will test you for all types of issues that may cause infertility for couples. We will talk openly with you about the things that we feel could be causing your problems and come up with suggestions for how to make it better.

You will have plenty of time to decide which fertility care Singapore option you are most comfortable with, and when you are ready, our team will be here to do our part. We will make it as quick and as painless as possible so that you can move on and have the baby that you have been trying for. Just call us when you are done waiting.